Starting in April 2024 and spanning over 10 months, a RESPACE Team consisting of a group of 23 committed change agents and thought leaders, will come together to reimagine possible futures and strategise toward building equitable global spaces and infrastructures for sustainable peace.
The Team Composition
The RESPACE Team is composed of 23 committed change agents who engage both locally and globally to create new ways of collaborating to promote sustainable peace and equity. The RESPACE team members represent a spectrum of experiences and perspectives spanning age, gender, geographical, cultural history, profession, organisational affiliaton, and many other dimensions of life. They share values of equity, reciprocity, and peace and all hold a curiosity for engaging with people across the globe, believing in the transformative potential of collaborative dialogues in conducive spaces. While centered on reimagining new spaces and infrastructures for promoting peace and equity with civic actors at the forefront, the team also includes change agents from state, multilateral, and other institutions, recognising the importance of multiple, inclusive stakeholder engagement with the power shifted towards civic actors.